By Beata Bruggeman-Sękowska
On October 30, 2021 the opening of the expo of a Croatian-Dutch artist Slavko Dujic took place in Post in the Dutch city of Kerkrade. The exposition presenting his paintings and sculptures will be open till the end of this year. The opening was preceded by an interview with Slavko Dujic by Hardy Mertens, Dutch componist and conductor entitled ‘’My own War’’.

Slavko Dujic experienced the horrors of war in former Yugoslavia and was not able to sleep for 10 years afterwards. As he points out art has been his medicine and is reflection of his war experiences but also a reaction to injustice and suffering in the contemporary world. He is a fighter for freedom and therefore images of people and the red colour symbolizing blood and life are dominant in his works.

His works are impressive. They take you on an intriguing trip into various dimensions of life and mankind. They are multidimensional. Through Slavko Dujic’s works you see the world which suffers but we are not allowed just to stand and watch it. His works do not only depict the subject, they let you witness it, feel it, they engage you and give you food for thought.

Slavko Dujic studied history and geography at the Department of Pedagogical Academy at Banja Luka University. He studied painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Hasselt and is specialized in abstract art. His works were exhibited all around the world including the United States of America, Argentina, Brazil, France, Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands. In recent years, Slavko Dujic and Hardy Mertens regularly drew inspiration from each other’s music and visual art.

Photos: © Beata Bruggeman-Sękowska
Author: Beata Bruggeman-Sękowska is an award-winning international journalist, TV correspondent, author, chief editor of international journalism centre, Central and Eastern Europe Centre, board member and a sworn translator. She was born in Warsaw, Poland and has also Armenian blood and roots in Lvov, which is now part of Ukraine. She has been living in Heerlen since 2005.