By Beata Bruggeman-Sękowska
On the 2nd of December 46 international guests: international women from the International Women Club South Limburg and their husbands attended a fabulous Christmas Party at a Manjefiek Restaurant in Maastricht with a theme: the 50s en 60s and enjoyed a wonderful performance by The Beverly Brothers. During the party guests collected money for The War Child which is committed to helping children growing up in war and conflict areas worldwide.

Ann Bodde ©Nikki Beulens
The president of the International Women Club South Limburg Ann Bodde said the following about this event: “It was wonderful to celebrate the holiday with our members and at the same time supporting our charity of the Year War Child. So far since November we’ve raised 1340 Euro’s: 1040 at Winter Fair organized by our club in November and 310 at the Christmas party.”

©Nikki Beulens


©Nikki Beulens

©Nikki Beulens


©Nikki Beulens
The International Women’s Club of South Limburg in the Netherlands was founded in February 1985 as a non-profit organisation. There are 155 members from 41 countries.
The primary purpose of the Club is to bring together women of all nationalities living in the area of South Limburg, promoting friendship, sharing mutual interests and extending support and information to newcomers. Their life stories are fascinating and inspiring. Read interviews and watch videos with some of the members on our platform and on our youtube channel.
More information about the club you can find here:
Cover photo and text: © Copyright

Author: Beata Bruggeman-Sękowska is an award-winning international journalist, TV correspondent, author, chief editor of international journalism centre, Central and Eastern Europe Centre, president of the European Institute on Communist Oppression and a sworn translator. She was born in Warsaw, Poland and has also Armenian blood and roots in Lvov, which is part of Ukraine. She has been living in Heerlen, the Netherlands since 2005.